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If you do endurance exercise then you may have considered supplementing with beta alanine to improve your performance – here is your summary guide. Table of contents: What is beta alanine? Why not just take carnosine or histidine? How can beta alanine help me? Is beta alanine safe? How much should I take and when? […]

nutrition, training

Beta Alanine: a simple guide

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Creatine is one of the most popular supplements used in the sports industry. Table of contents What is creatine? Why supplement? Potential benefits from supplementation Who should use it? How to take it? Possible side effects What are the best forms of creatine? Take aways What is creatine? Creatine is an amino acid mainly found […]

muscle gain, nutrition, training

Creatine: a simple guide

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If you are considering fasted cardio but want to know more about how it may impact you, read on for a summary of the pros and cons so that you can decide whether it is for you! Pros of fasted cardio Potential calorie restriction tool: Fasting can be a potential tool for restricting total calorie […]

nutrition, training

Pros and cons of fasted cardio: is fasted cardio right for you?

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Have you wondered about fasted cardio for enhancing your endurance performance? Table of contents: How can nutrition impact my training adaptations? How could fasted cardio enhance endurance performance? What does the research show? Could there be downsides to training in a fasted state? Take aways How can nutrition impact my training adaptations?(some science) The manipulation […]

nutrition, training

Will fasted cardio benefit my training performance?

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You may have heard that fasted cardio is beneficial for weight and fat loss. Table of contents: Debunking the myths The science: fat versus carbs for fuel Fuel source preference versus fat loss What does the science say about fasted cardio for weight and fat loss? Does that mean that fasted cardio isn’t beneficial for […]

fat loss, nutrition, training

Fasted cardio for weight loss?

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Can IF improve your blood sugar management? What about metabolic health? If you are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes or currently have it, you may indeed be interested in this. Table of contents: What’s the fuss about IF? What does the research show? However… Proven recommendations to improve and optimise your metabolic health […]


Intermittent fasting (IF) to improve blood sugar management and metabolic health?

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Is IF superior for weight loss, fat loss and improving body composition? Table of contents: IF types What does the research show? Practical recommendations for using IF to lose weight Practical recommendations for using IF when optimising body composition Take aways IF types IF, also known as time restricted feeding (TRF), alternates periods of feeding […]

fat loss, nutrition

Intermittent fasting (IF) best for weight loss and body composition?

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How much protein can you utilise at once? And is it okay to eat all of your protein in one sitting? Table of contents: Debunking misconceptions What quantity of protein maximises MPS What does the research say on protein distribution and mass gains? So does protein distribution matter? How much protein per meal? Other factors […]

muscle gain, nutrition, training

Does protein distribution matter for maximising your muscle gains?

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So you have been nailing your diet and training consistently but want to level up your performance? This is where when you eat can make a tangible difference. As usual, some science is included, but feel free to skip to the sections that you want. Table of contents: Debunking the myths Popular claims made around […]

Dieting, muscle gain, nutrition, training

Nutrient timing – time when you eat to level up your performance?

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