These articles are to serve you to make your own best decisions when it comes to nutrition, training, health and performance.
I aim to communicate the research and science, with the intention of being as objective as possible whilst adding in my own recommendations based on my experiences. Enjoy and if anything resonates, please share in the comments!

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There is an increasing amount of research to suggest that there may be better times to eat for health, performance and body composition. In this article I’ll share four key recommendations regarding timing your nutrition that I have found to be worth considering, based on scientific research and helping clients achieve their goals.   Meal timing […]

Dieting, fat loss, lifestyle, nutrition

Why meal timing matters (part 2): what time is best to eat?

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A great deal of research suggests that there are better times to eat – for health, performance and body composition. The science suggests that much of this is related to circadian rhythmicity. Therefore, in this article I will cover a brief overview of circadian rhythmicity, the bidirectional relationship between your circadian rhythm and diet and […]

Dieting, fat loss, lifestyle, nutrition

Why meal timing matters (part 1): what is a circadian rhythm and why is it important?

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Many sports supplements do not live up to their hype, but beetroot on the other hand consistently seems to help improve performance – and if you’re less fit, you are likely to notice the benefits even more! What I love about taking beetroot is that it can simply be a standard part of your diet […]

Dieting, nutrition, training

Beetroot to level up your performance?

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Losing body fat, is a common body composition goal – but the type of fat matters when it comes to health. Why is fat important Classifying fat tissue according to function Different fat cells for different functions Where you store fat matters: subcutaneous & visceral How does what fat you have impact your health Does […]

Dieting, fat loss, lifestyle, nutrition

Your guide to fat: why what fat you have matters

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Exercise is transformative. Along with nutrition, exercise is one of the most potent tools available. It can near instantaneously transform mood. It changes your physiology, neurochemistry and neurobiology, the expression of your genes, your mood, your state, your thinking. Table of contents How exercise transforms mood Key proteins and neurotransmitters associated with mood What does […]

lifestyle, training

How does exercise transform your mood? And what type is best?

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Under eating is more common than you’d imagine, especially in the health/fitness/wellness community. Whilst main stream messages are focused on telling us to eat less, undereating is actually very unhealthy and severely so when it becomes chronic. Table of contents: Why under eating is so common Why under eating isn’t healthy Low energy Sugar cravings […]

Dieting, nutrition

Signs you might not be eating enough

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Nutrition and training are potent tools to lose fat and gain muscle, but is it possible to use them to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Table of contents: What is body recomposition? Nutrition and body recomposition Non-nutrition factors that influence body composition Training Stress Sleep Who can recomp? Steps to set […]

Dieting, fat loss, muscle gain

Can you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?

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We know that building and maintaining muscle mass takes energy, but does it matter where this energy comes from? And what time we have it? Table of contents Protein Carbs Fats Does it matter when I have my energy intake? Your 5 must haves for your muscle mass meal plan Take aways Protein A review […]

muscle gain, nutrition

What and when to eat for muscle gains?

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On a quest to find that sweet spot of calories that means you optimise muscle gains relative to fat stores? Energy needs are dynamic and adaptive – so it’s not straight forward! Table of contents Can you build muscle in a calorie deficit? Does eating more calories help to build muscle? What is the ideal […]

muscle gain, nutrition

How many calories should I eat to gain muscle?

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